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First Home Foundations Titelbild

First Home Foundations

Von: Leigh Anderson-Voigt
Gesprochen von: Leigh Anderson-Voigt
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Do you want to own your first home but have no idea where to start? Are you overwhelmed with the pressure of a first home purchase? Are you worried that the housing market is rapidly getting out of reach and you and your family are going to be stuck with an unknown and unstable future in rental properties?

First Home Foundations offers an in-depth exploration of the essential principles every first home buyer should know. This comprehensive and practical handbook delves into five key principles, providing a thorough understanding of what it takes to successfully purchase your first home:

1. Affordability: How to ensure your goals are realistic and affordable

2. Preparation: How to put yourself in the best position to have your loan approved

3. Network: How to put together a team of professionals that ensure a smooth and successful first home purchase

4. Support: How to get access to financial support to bring your dream of owning a home forward by years

5. Style: How to build and style a home that matches the needs of your family

Each principle in First Home Foundations is accompanied by detailed explanations, real-life case studies and a set of actionable steps. This approach is designed to equip readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the home buying process with confidence and ease.

©2024 Leigh Anderson-Voigt (P)2024 Leigh Anderson-Voigt

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