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Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Luke Titelbild

Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Luke

Von: J.C. Ryle
Gesprochen von: Christopher Glyn
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John Charles Ryle (1816-1900) was the first bishop of Liverpool and a writer, pastor and an evangelical preacher. His writings on the Gospels are considered by many to be the best practical, devotional and Christ-centered commentaries ever written! He said, 'I am one of those old-fashioned ministers who believe the whole Bible, and everything it contains!' 

J.C. Ryle’s commentaries on the Gospel stories are extremely relevant to the modern listener and full of precious insights and lessons drawn from the Scriptures that are timeless in their application to the spiritual lives of Christians of all generations. His writings have been described as 'a distillation of true Puritan theology presented in a highly readable and modern form'.

This devotional reading of J.C. Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Luke is narrated by Christopher Glyn, acclaimed for his reading of the King James Bible. It is over 24 hours long and divided into 144 sections. 

Public Domain (P)2022 M-Y Books Ltd


"I am bold to say that perhaps few men in the 19th century did so much for God, for truth, for righteousness, among the English speaking race and in the world as Ryle." (Richard Hobson) 

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