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End Times Major Clues from Minor Prophets Titelbild

End Times Major Clues from Minor Prophets

Von: Redpill the World
Gesprochen von: Redpill the World
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I don’t think it’s a far stretch to say that most people who read the Bible don’t spend much time reading the Minor Prophets. Minor Prophets, you say? Who are they? My point exactly.

I think we figured those books were likely about some stale old history of the Israelites, and had little or no practical bearing on us now or on our future. Wrong-O.

Many of us have spent our time mostly in the New Testament learning about Jesus. Of course, learning about Jesus is wonderful. But those Minor Prophet books are there for a reason. And now we are discovering why.

Would you believe that the Minor Prophets tell us about the NWO cabal...

And about the Great Awakening...

And how a Great Army will rise up and defeat the NWO enemy...

And humanity will enter into wonderful days of health and wealth and peace and joy?

Yep. Clear as a bell. That’s what I’m going to decode for you in this book.

The premise of my Revelation decoder book, End Times Major Clues from Minor Prophets, is that the LORD has awakened His chosen warriors, and we are right now in the epic Battle of Armageddon, fighting the battle of good versus evil. After we defeat our enemies, we will enjoy 1,000 years of peace on Earth. That truth is not just found in the book of the Revelation. That wonderful truth is found all throughout God’s Word. That truth is just exactly what we need to know to have the courage and stamina to keep fighting until the war is over and our enemies are gone! You're going to love getting End Times Major Clues from Minor Prophets!

©2022 Melissa Woods (P)2022 Melissa Woods

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