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  • Dreams of Awakening (Revised Edition)

  • Use Lucid Dreaming to Rewire Your Brain While You Sleep
  • Von: Charlie Morley
  • Gesprochen von: Charlie Morley
  • Spieldauer: 11 Std.

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Dreams of Awakening (Revised Edition) Titelbild

Dreams of Awakening (Revised Edition)

Von: Charlie Morley
Gesprochen von: Charlie Morley
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Embark on your journey to psychological and spiritual growth with the expert guidance of Charlie Morley in this new and revised edition of his best-selling exploration of lucid dreaming.

Dreams of Awakening is a thorough and exciting exploration of lucid dreaming theory and practice within both Western and Tibetan Buddhist contexts. It not only explores lucid dreaming practices, but also the innovative techniques of Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep—the holistic approach to lucidity training which the author co-created.

Charlie distils wisdom from more than 20 years of personal practice and the lucid dreaming workshops he has taught around the world. Using a three-part structure of Ground, Path, and Germination you will become grounded in:

  • the history and benefits of lucid dreaming
  • cutting-edge research from dream and sleep scientists
  • entering the path of learning to do the practices
  • prophetic dreams, lucid living, out-of-body experiences, and quantum dreaming

The fundamental aim of Dreams of Awakening is to teach people how to lucid dream their way to psychological and spiritual growth. This book is for all those who want to wake up, both in their dreams and waking lives.

NEW in this edition: A brand new chapter on trauma integration based on Charlie’s breakthrough 2023 study, the latest research into shadow work and healing (drawing on Charlie’s work with war veterans), and five new lucid dreaming techniques.

©2024 Charlie Morley (P)2024 Hay House UK

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