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Double Hockey Sticks Titelbild

Double Hockey Sticks

Von: Frank J. Fleming
Gesprochen von: Austin Rising
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This is the sequel to the novel Hellbender.

I’m not sure what to do here. If you listened and enjoyed the first one, I don’t feel like I need to sell you very hard on this one. The characters you love from Hellbender—Doug, Bryce, Lulu, and Charlene—get into further misadventures, while I also expand on the lore from the first one. Are the people in charge really demons? What happened in the Last War? Well, there are more answers and more questions in the sequel—you know how it works.

If you haven’t listened to the first one, it seems like I should just point you to the blurb for that novel. I mean, I made my best attempt at explaining the story in that one. It’s a post-apocalyptic comedy. There’s a mercenary gang of loveable losers (called Hellbender) in constant conflict with more powerful forces out to destroy or oppress them. And Satan—or a guy who says he is Satan—is involved. It’s intriguing, and it's funny.

In this one, Hellbender faces an indescribable horror, a terrorist group that just enjoys terror and makes no demands, and a bunch of nuclear weapons. The gang is in way over its head again, and it’s going to be fun. I am excited for you. You know what? If you haven’t listened to the first one, just go ahead and jump into this one and listen to the first one later—consider it a prequel. You can call this book Hellbender and the previous one Hellbender: Origins.

©2022 Frank J. Fleming (P)2023 Frank J. Fleming

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