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Death in a Nutshell Titelbild

Death in a Nutshell

Von: Roxanne Varzi
Gesprochen von: Roxanne Varzi
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Alex is on the verge of dismissal from her anthropology doctoral program when her luck turns, and she lands a fellowship with a dioramist at the Museum of the Rockies. The only problem is, Alex hasn’t a clue about dioramas or dinosaurs, and, as she will soon find out, she’s not the only one faking it in this frozen landscape.

From New York City to Yellowstone National Park, we follow Alex, a whip-smart grad student with dyslexia and ADHD, a Margaret Mead cum Ms. Marple, as she explores friendship, identity, globalization and a murder against the stunning backdrop of the Rockies in winter.

A murder mystery embedded with forays into visual anthropology … we find that in an era of fake news and science denial, a little anthropology goes a long way.

©2022 Roxanne Varzi (P)2023 Roxanne Varzi

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