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What if the Wall Street way to wealth is over? If the stock market and real estate only grow at the same rate as inflation, are you really making any money? If $100 investment grows to $110, but the dollar loses 10 percent of its purchasing power, how can you ever hope to get ahead? As 2022 has shown, this frightening phenomenon is becoming the case. But, fear not. The economy is not in a permanent decline. It is merely transforming into a crypto economy. Crypto, blockchains, DeFi, and Finance 3.0 are leading us into a new world where how we earn money and grow wealth is radically different from how its done today. It is critical that you learn the new rules of the coming world and how it works financially if you wish to be affluent in it. Those who wait until after the wave has occurred, no matter how wealthy today, will become the poor of tomorrow. This audiobook will give you a superior understanding of the new economy.

Who is this audiobook for? For those that are still on the fence about this new investment class, this is the audiobook that will explain for you how an open-source, coding program will rise from obscurity to the backbone of the new economy. Consider this the hypothesis for an investment in cryptocurrency:

  • If you are unsure or unconvinced about investing in cryptocurrency, this audiobook is for you.
  • If you already investing in crypto but need more reassurance you are making the right decision, this audiobook is for you.
  • If you are a skeptic or naysayer but willing to give crypto a deeper look with an open mind, this audiobook is for you.

But, most importantly, this audiobook answers the question for all interested in it: for how long will I need to invest in these assets and when will I know I’ve made all the money I will ever make from them? What is the end game of crypto? This audiobook will show you how and why crypto will:

  • Replace dollar bills for full global money.
  • Transform all the goods and services you use
  • Replace traditional stock portfolios
  • Replace fixed income allocations
©2022 Reinvent Ideal Audio (P)2022 Reinvent Ideal Audio

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