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Cold and Greedy Titelbild

Cold and Greedy

Von: Jakob Kunst
Gesprochen von: Jakob Kunst
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Cold and Greedy can best be described as a 21st century, nonfiction version of The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. It validates the philosophical underpinnings of The Fountainhead by applying them in the real world. This is a true story of one man's heroic efforts to overcome, against all odds, a brutal attack by a billionaire heiress and her hired goon. And it is narrated here by the author with the first-person passion this story deserves. This is also the story of one of the longest fought civil cases in South Carolina history, and how that case has become important case law and legal precedent. This story would not exist today if the author had not represented himself without a lawyer.

This book exists only because we live in a world today in which you can publish in real time real events as they occur with words so real that the book itself becomes part of its own story. So much so, the first 17 chapters of Cold and Greedy sat – unfinished, with cover, index, everything - on a jury evidence table, labeled Exhibit 22, patiently waiting for its own conclusion. There has never been a book like Cold and Greedy.

This book took 13 years to write, because it took 13 years to live it. And the ending was unknown and unpredictable until the final page was written. In this book, you explore a world of multimillion dollar resort homes and extreme architecture. You explore the hubris of deep pockets in the real legal world. But this story is much more than a legal drama, it is an anthem to creative and hard-working individuals who are self-made by merit.It is an anthem to those individuals who deal with others by trade and mutual benefit - those rugged individuals that cause real progress and move the world. Because these battles aren't fought to declare a victor, they are fought to protect the verdict already placed on our lives. They occur by necessity to sharpen the lines that get blurred, to clear the aisles of clutter, to force sides, and protect merit.

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