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Captain My Captain Titelbild

Captain My Captain

Von: Maddie Taylor
Gesprochen von: Sean Masters
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After 15 years of service, Special Forces Captain Tony Rossi is home for good and ready to transition to civilian life. With his business affairs in order, he wants to focus on his personal life and reconnect with the unforgettable Megan Sinclair. Their age gap and Cap's tours of duty abroad have forced him to remain distant for far too long. But Megan is all grown up now, and without any barriers in their way, Cap is determined to pursue his heart's every desire.

Megan has loved Tony forever, but she never knew he felt the same. Falling in his lap at a party gives her the chance to prove she's not just a cute kid anymore, but after years of unrequited love, she's hesitant about taking a giant leap with him.

When Megan finds herself embroiled in a dangerous drug cartel conspiracy, Tony must set aside his plans for their future in order to keep her safe in the present. As their dreams of a happily ever after are threatened, can Tony protect her while proving she was meant to be his all along?

©2023 Maddie Taylor (P)2023 Maddie Taylor

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