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Blockchain Titelbild


Von: Sylvia Anderson
Gesprochen von: James Mingesbruney
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Blockchain technology has taken over the world, well...partially, at least to the point that when Mark Zuckerberg announces his own cryptocurrencies, concerned legal administrators question him for hours, fearing the American dollar will collapse.

How do we deal with all of this? I’ll tell you how we will handle this new, potentially permanent trend: We’ll learn about it. If you know what’s going on, you can ride the wave. For this and many other reasons, I’ve put together a guide that can help you learn more about the following things:

  • What bitcoin is, how to buy it, and how to sell it.
  • How the ether markets work and how Ethereum was found.
  • What to do with clever agreements and strength.
  • How to manage wallets, calculators, and graphs for optimal success.
  • What VPNs, mining for bitcoin and protection can do for you.
  • Ethereum language, virtual devices, and trading techniques.
  • Augur coins and what they do as a benefit.
  • Statistics that reveal the possible takeover of Ethereum.
  • And many other things. 

Don’t wait and get started today.

©2019 Sylvia Anderson (P)2019 Sylvia Anderson

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