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Aquarium Maintenance Made Simple Titelbild

Aquarium Maintenance Made Simple

Von: Jim Stephens
Gesprochen von: Jessica Crippen
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There are numerous hobbies that can develop into true passions. Among them is the upkeep of an aquarium. This is a serious hobby, as there is no space for error; otherwise, you risk injuring or killing a living thing.

The first and most important thing you must learn before selecting to care for an aquarium and its fish is that you must prepare the fish tank and make it suitable for the fish to live in before acquiring the fish. This method requires a great deal of patience and intelligence; otherwise, you risk killing those magnificent creatures.

To begin prepping the fish tank, add the gravel and any additional additions.

Ensure that all of these decorations are thoroughly rinsed to ensure that the water is bacteria-free. The process of tank preparation might take anywhere from 24 hours to 4 weeks.

Take care not to use any soap when cleaning these substrates. Fill the tank halfway with dechlorinated water. Glue the filters and bulbs in place. Allow the tank to cycle again until the water turns cloudy. After then, allow the cloud to settle. Utilize the test kit to ensure that the water is at the proper temperature and has an adequate pH.

Additionally, refrain from adding any new fish to the tank until the water is perfectly clean.

Indeed, when the aquarium is functioning properly, certain microorganisms aid in the conversion of ammonia to nitrates. Because these bacteria are produced by the existing fish, they are not present in a dormant fish tank. Thus, the heart of this explanation is that without live fish, the tank water would be devoid of beneficial bacteria.

©2022 Jim Stephens (P)2022 Jim Stephens

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