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American Dream Political Reality Titelbild

American Dream Political Reality

Von: Reinhard Hermes
Gesprochen von: Reinhard Hermes
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American Dream Political Reality details important events that occurred in the United States, Europe, and Russia from 1988 to 2023. We participated in the opening of the Berlin Wall in Germany that had separated Communist East and West Berlin for nearly 30-years. It only takes a moment to change your life, and my son Elliot and I witnessed that in the aftermath of 9/11, when the Twin Towers in New York City collapsed from a terrorist attack. Elliot was an inspiration of serenity throughout our support and exploration of Ground Zero. In 2008 my beautiful daughter, Erin Hermes, married David Shanks in Maui, Hawaii. It was a once-in-a-lifetime romantic marital celebration as they exchanged vows and rejoiced in the company of family and friends.

The year 2020 was a clear reminder racism and violence on both sides of the aisle still needs to be addressed, and we must stay committed in that endeavor. In the first three months after COVID-19 emerged nearly one-million people were infected and more than 50,000 died. But no matter what, getting back up after we get our COVID-19 shots is better than staying down. That’s what I did after being hospitalized with a blood clot in my leg from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Based on everything we discovered in 2022, a pandemic industrial complex is now trying to run the show with a goal to eliminate many of our rights and personal freedoms in order to "build-back-better" by centralizing their power and control. Discrimination based on vaccination status violates the very definition of freedom upon which this Constitutional Republic was built. In the future will it be you WBC, SAT or FICA score, that will set us free, but only after we "change-for-the-better?" In 2022 Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations brought forth evidence at a UN Security Council meeting, alleging that the U.S. was operating at least thirty different biolabs in Ukraine. He charged that they contained enhancements of highly infectious bacteria strains, coronavirus, and anthrax. The U.S. Embassy moved quickly to scrub the evidence.

The Corporate Media, Corrupt Politicians, and their Pharmaceutical Industry cohorts only seem interested in trying to protect their assets, and less concerned about we the people. But no matter what happens on a day-to-day basis, or the stories fabricated by those in power, I remain in awe of God's mysterious creation called Life. This is my personal story of wonderment from the Berlin Wall to the American Dream into Political Reality.

©2022, 2023 Reinhard Hermes (P)2023 Reinhard Hermes

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