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All Things Are Possible (1967) Titelbild

All Things Are Possible (1967)

Von: Neville Goddard
Gesprochen von: Barry J. Peterson
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Over 300 of Neville Goddard's exceptional lectures are now available for the student of metaphysics and bible study.     

I can think of no greater privilege than to bring to light the incredible works of a great American mystic, Neville Goddard, a prolific author, teacher and a true man of God. Over his 40 years of teaching he left behind a legacy of printed material that rivals most metaphysical authors.     

It would be impossible to over-estimate the spiritual value of the teachings he left behind. He not only published 10 books, which are now available in one complete volume, Neville Goddard: The Complete Reader, but he left us over 300 printed lectures during his lifetime.     

It is the purpose of The Neville Goddard Project to bring to print all the works of this incredible American mystic, of whom another metaphysical giant, Dr. Joseph Murphy, wrote, “Neville Goddard may come to be known as the greatest American mystic of our generation.”     

A great portion of these lectures are not dated, so we have chosen to begin by alphabetical order based on the documents that we currently have in our archive. When complete, this series of lectures, in addition to The Complete Reader, will comprise the largest and most complete collection of Neville Goddard works available in print.     

We will be assembling and editing 25 lectures per volume; the set will include 12 volumes, which will be appended as new lectures are located and edited.     

I would like to thank Rachel Claxton for her meticulous manuscript preparation, which made this series possible.

Barry J. Peterson

Audio Enlightenment

Neville Goddard Project    

©2013 AudioEnlightenment (P)2018 Audio Enlightenment

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