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  • Ace University

  • An Easy to Follow Guide for University Students: 80+ Quick-Fire Tips and Tricks for a Fun, Balanced and Productive Life at Uni
  • Von: D.J.F
  • Gesprochen von: D.J.F
  • Spieldauer: 4 Std. und 5 Min.

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Ace University

Von: D.J.F
Gesprochen von: D.J.F
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So much effort in our early lives is spent aimed towards university, but upon arrival, we are left to fend for ourselves. While this is partly the beauty of university, there are many useful tips, tricks and guidance that the author and their cohort have prepared to help you get the most out of these precious (and expensive!) years.

The author started as an underachiever at school, entering university only through sheer luck. Despite initial doubts from teachers and admissions staff, the freedom at university fostered significant personal growth, reflected throughout this book's chapters. The author's journey includes academic and extracurricular achievements, showcasing the accelerated personal growth that university can provide.

“I know plenty of people who worked their way from under confident and lost individuals, to happy and content high achievers at university.”

This book aims to;

Give you some first hand accounts about what uni is really like, hopefully reducing any anxiety or stress for those who are about to go.

Guide you to get the most out of your course and social life.

Implore you to find balance in life at uni.

Provide some practical guidance for your career after uni.

But mainly, to help you to ace YOUR university experience.

Supplemental material and the free newsletter can be found here: howtoaceuniversity.substack.com/

©2024 D.J.F (P)2024 D.J.F

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