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  • Accountability

  • Facing the Truth to Discover Self-Empowerment
  • Von: Laura Strobel
  • Gesprochen von: Laura Strobel
  • Spieldauer: 8 Std. und 52 Min.

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Accountability Titelbild


Von: Laura Strobel
Gesprochen von: Laura Strobel
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Laura Strobel was born in New York City and grew up in Connecticut. She studied journalism at Hunter College in Manhattan and was briefly a freelance writer in Colorado. After attending a culinary school at an Airforce Base in Germany she became a caterer in Florida. Living in Stuttgart, she teaches cooking classes. Married for more than three decades to the love of her life, she is most proud of her two dashing young men who love to tease (and taunt) their mama.

The law is the law, and in Aurora's case, it's life-altering. Follow her story and be inspired by her journey from shock and denial, to acceptance of her own accountability.

Excerpts from Laura Strobel’s controversial expose’ Accountability:

It’s late.

Aurora’s harried trying to finish the task because her family has been waiting restlessly for hours and they want to go home. The boys argue. A ruckus ensues. William’s imposing voice booms as her husband leans down to slap her toddler. As the child springs forward an electric jolt and gush of heat like fireworks of red explode in Aurora’s head.

“Mr. Sabel, let me explain,” Sergeant Rafferty said gravely. “Your behavior toward your child as a disciplinarian is not in question here. The altercation between you and your wife though, is. Unfortunately, in scenarios like this...”

“But...” Aurora pleaded, “this is not what you think...”

“Sir, this doesn’t seem right," Officer Manning stated. "There’s no threat here. Why are we doing this?”

“Listen kid, with the national news of the O. J. Simpson trial, it’s the law now”.

Arriving at the county facility, Aurora is standing in the last place on Earth that she ever expected to be. Through a series of events, this (fairly) mild-mannered, middle-class homemaker with no prior issues with domestic disharmony was now committed to a program for domestic-violence prevention.

This audiobook is narrated by Laura Strobel herself!

©2020 Laura Strobel (P)2020 Laura Strobel

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