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A Lost Soul Found in the Darkness Titelbild

A Lost Soul Found in the Darkness

Von: Brett C. Persson
Gesprochen von: Anthony J. Miano
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Step into a powerful journey through abuse, addiction, and redemption told through the art of haiku.

As a profound collection of Japanese haiku poetry, this illuminating audiobook transports you on a journey through the troubled life of one tormented soul. From a childhood marred by abuse and neglect to a life poisoned by addiction, Jake was plunged down a dark path from an early age by the cruelties of fate.

But in his darkest moment, while sitting in a prison cell, a ray of light appeared to him. Jake was faced with a life-defining choice: to continue down his self-destructive path or to turn toward the hope of redemption and find the courage to face his demons.

As an inspiring and redeeming testament to the hidden potentialities within us all, A Lost Soul Found in the Darkness describes one man’s journey to overcome his predicament, defy his upbringing, and forge a new life for himself beyond the pain and addiction that hounds him.

Author and recovering addict Brett C. Persson invites you on this journey, weaving Jake’s story with real-life lessons and struggles drawn from his personal life.

Imbued with timeless religious motifs, this book is a must-listen for anybody who loves thought-provoking haiku collections that communicate deep truths about tragedy, hope, and salvation.

©2022 Brett C. Persson (P)2023 Nudous Media Productions

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