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1000% Titelbild


Von: Dee Shaffer
Gesprochen von: Howard Hulin
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Defeat is not in the athlete’s vocabulary. It is in their spirit.

How have sports evolved from a healthy expression of talent and prowess into a relentless vortex that grinds that talent into the athlete’s internal, secret defeat? Anymore, this truth is like watching a funnel cloud develop before it advances into an F-5 tornado. Most of us recognize it. Most of us talk about it. But few are willing to acknowledge and heed its warning.

1000% is the book that will take you into the aftermath of this reality. It is not intended to diminish the brilliance and opportunity that sports provide. Not at all. This book will reconstruct the life of the athlete and expose the destructive forces that contribute to this concealed sense of defeat, fear, and mental health issues that many athletes secretly battle. This book will also lead the athlete into a powerful revelation of their purpose as it provides answers for their hidden fears and sets them on a path to understand and overcome these adverse forces.

If you are an athlete, this book is for you. The message woven throughout is intended to reach you, offer understanding, and provide help. These words will perhaps be your voice and weapon against an enemy that is trying to steal your identity, claim your spirit, and ultimately defeat you. But…


©2024 Dee Shaffer (P)2024 Dee Shaffer

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