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TKManAteHer Titelbild


Von: Sky Robert
Gesprochen von: Sage Amor
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Humanity's future rests in the hard length of a pleasure bot sent back in time.

The hum of my circuit boards flickered to life for long enough to hear a name, "Amanda Fullerhound."

This human was to be my caretaker. All my systems went through a start-up scan to ensure my functions were performing up to standard thresholds.

I blinked and calibrated my vision to the dim lighting to see a human male shine a light in my eyes. I stayed still, knowing he must be looking for my serial number, though he could have simply asked me, and I would have told him it was TK-009_prototype5147-STFUALTPLAGB. There were eight other prototypes before me, but my memory stores indicated that my predecessors were not equipped with intelligence, merely functional and not adaptive.

These are my first memories in this form, I thought with an odd sensation of awareness that even what I knew now was not experienced, but simply a mass download of data. But what was experience other than an accumulation of data? The only awareness that I had that told me my previous data was simply given to me, rather than processed, was the lack of completeness to them, or the sense of choice at what I would like to remember.

"I can't believe we are forced to use a discontinued s3x bot to save humanity," he said with disgust as he wiped his finger with a tissue from his pant pocket.

My mission, distract Amanda Fullerhound so she couldn't meet a man named Thomas. If I should fail, then the virus would unlock and kill Thomas. If that didn't work, Amanda was next....

Dive into this steamy short novella and find out what kind of attachments TK is made of in this spoof romance to correct the injustice of a lack of male bot representation in the pleasure industry. You're welcome.

Yours Truly,



©2024 Sky Robert (P)2024 S.M. McCoy
  • Ungekürztes Hörbuch
  • Kategorien: Erotik

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